Fostering Bilateral Trade and Investment Flows Between Brazil and Florida

Partner Event: Tampa Sister Cities Quarterly Dinner

  • September 16, 2015
  • 6:30 PM (EDT)
  • Bull Grill Restaurant (Tampa, FL)


The Tampa-Porto Alegre Committee of Tampa Sister Cities, Inc. cordially invites members and friends of the Brazil-Florida Business Council, Inc. (BFBC) to its Quarterly Dinner celebrating the newest Sister City agreement between Porto Alegre, Brazil and Tampa, Florida.


Bull Grill Restaurant

4820 N. Armenia Avenue

Tampa, FL 33607


Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 6:30 P.M.

Special Price for BFBC Members and Friends


This is the inaugural Tampa-Porto Alegre Sister Cities event and it is open to both current and prospective members. The dinner will feature a fresh gourmet salad and sides featuring fresh cut vegetables, cured meats and Brazilian side dishes. This will be followed by mouth-watering selections of meat from the Bull Grill's 10 cuts of delectable fire roasted meats that are brought to your table, sliced, and served by Gaúcho chefs. 

Please make checks payable to: 

Tampa Sister Cities Committee, Inc. and send it by Wednesday, September 9, 2015 to: Tampa Sister Cities, Inc., c/o Cathy Bartolotti, Treasurer, 4023 N. Lincoln Avenue, Tampa, FL 33607.

For more information or late reservations, please contact:

Alfred Goldberg

+1 (813) 908-6862

Request an appointment

Brazil-Florida Business Council • 2202 N. West Shore Blvd. • Tampa, FL 33606 

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