Fostering Bilateral Trade and Investment Flows Between Brazil and Florida

BRAZIL UPDATE: Webinar Series

  • June 01, 2016
  • 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • Online Event


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"BlackRock's Landers sees new Brazil's government boosting economy. Global investment firm BlackRock is betting the change in government in Brazil  will lead to a gradual economic recovery." (The Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2016)

Will M. Landers will be the guest speaker of the BRAZIL UPDATE Webinar Series, a program organized by the Brazil-Florida Business Council. Landers overseas the firm's Latin American Investment Fund. Brazil represents about 50% of the firm's Latin American Portfolio, which is around $2 billion. He will share his views about Brazil's under new administration and its impact on the country's stock market and BlackRock's portfolio as well as the need for foreign investment to pave the way to the economic recovery.

Will M. Landers serves as a Managing Director, Head of Latin America Equity Team, and Senior Portfolio Manager at BlackRock, Inc. Landers also serves as a Fund Manager at BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited. He serves as a Fund Manager at BlackRock Advisors LLC. Previously, Landers served as Research Analyst at Crédit Suisse AG, Research Division. He served as an Equity Analyst at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., Research Division and Barclays Capital, Research Division. Landers is a C.F.A. charter holder. He graduated from the Georgetown University.  Landers was born in São Paulo, Brazil.

This special webinar presentation is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1ST AT 1 p.m.

(New York) and 2 p.m. (Brasília). Join us from your mobile device or desktop to listen to this informative  program. His presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. Questions can also be emailed in advance

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