Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The Tampa Club
101 E. Kennedy Blvd., 41st Floor
Tampa, Florida
4:00 pm - Registration
4:30 pm - Presentations and Q&A Period
6:30 pm - Networking Reception
Join us to listen to this outstanding line-up of distinguished speakers who will discuss Brazil's current challenges and opportunities and how the largest economy in Latin America can align trade and investment for sustainable growth.
Ambassador Adalnio Senna Ganem
His Excellency Consul General of Brazil in Miami
Gabrielle Mandel
Senior Country Manager
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Luis Wolf
Managing Partner
KPMG Brazil
Otávio Carneiro
Partner, Veirano Advogados
Pedro Drummond
Partner, Drummond Legal Advisors PLLC
Raj Emandi
CEO, Granex, Inc.
Munawar (Ike) Iqbal
CEO, PrimeCo Mining
This conference is made possible through the generous support of
President's Circle Members

Patron Members
Media Partner