Fostering Bilateral Trade and Investment Flows Between Brazil and Florida

Tampa International Airport surpasses spring break records

May 16, 2017 1:53 PM | Anonymous

Spring break has been good to Tampa International Airport, which saw the busiest March and April in its history and is on track to have a record year.

TIA beat its previous record by more than 50,000 passengers in the two months combined. In March, the airport’s busiest month, TIA served 1,979,244 passengers. In April, the airport served 1,799,519 passengers, bringing the two-month total to nearly 3.8 million passengers.

The growth comes at a time when TIA is undergoing a nearly $1 billion expansion and preparing for a second phase of construction next year that is estimated to cost $543 million. The overall project provides a runway for growth for local small businesses.

Its previous record was in 2007 with 3,726,183 passengers in March and April and a record 19.3 million passengers for the year, before passenger numbers decreased during the economic recession. Since 2010, TPA has seen passenger numbers increase year after year, and that traffic has now grown nearly 14 percent between 2010 and 2016.

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